of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood to all the runners around the world.  The first organization of this race this year begins the significant journey of runners everywhere following in the footsteps of the Great Pheidippides.


The Organizing Committee of this Race would like to welcome this year and every year from now on Men and Women Runners – Imerodromos from all corners of the earth and we deeply wish all runners a great race and to cross the finish line at the statue of Leonida in Sparta.


We need the cooperation, not only of the runners but from their support teams as well, to complete the race properly, fairly and in the name of Noble Competition.  For this reason we ask all participants to follow with the greatest discipline and respect the technical guidelines of the race.






  1. The runner will be allowed to get supplies at any of the 63 supply stations along the route.  Runners will be given supplies either from the supplies offered by the organization or the runner’s personal supplies (which will have been given beforehand to the organizing committee during the technical briefing) or by the support team which will provide their runner with supplies at the assigned stations.  Any runner being given supplies outside of the supply station during the race will be immediately disqualified.
  2. Due to the fact that the race will take place during the night, all runners are required to have head or hand flashlights and reflective clothes and shoes with the appropriate battery supply during the race.  Any runner who does not have the appropriate safety supplies will be immediately disqualified.
  3. This race has only 5 time elimination stations with a time limit of 40 hours to finish the race in Sparta.  At no other station will a runner be disqualified because of time restraints except for the Megara station (40.8km – 5 hours), at the 20th station at Examilio exit (89.7 km – 12 hours), at the 28th station in from of the stadium in Ancient Nemea (119.2 km – 17 hours), the 42nd station in Nestani (central square) (169.5 km – 27 hours) and at the 51st station in Manthurea (200km – 31 hours). 


Strict enforcement of the time limit of the Race will be implemented on all runners with absolute cooperation in case they are not able to complete the time limits.


Runners will not object or show any sign of egoism when being informed of time limit disqualification, they will give up their number and will be given the opportunity to try again in other Races.


  1. It is understood that any food substance given to a runner at the supply stations which may contain illegal or suspicious substances which undermines the value of FAIR PLAY constitutes impropriety and criminal injustice, as much for the athlete as well as the team support, and they will be disqualified from this race as well as any future race that will take place, as stated in the athletic justice laws and guidelines both in Greece and abroad.


Only legal pharmaceuticals, prescribed by an appropriate doctor, Greek or foreign public hospital are allowed.  Proper documentation is required and must be given to the appropriate medical committee of the Race before the start during the technical briefing for their approval.


  1. Any athlete who wishes to discontinue the Race will ask for his personal belongings and the next central station (Megara, Examilio Exit, Ancient Nemea, Nestani) and the organization, after having being informed by the supply station, will transport the belongings to the station to be picked up.


  1. Any athlete who will discontinue the Race and has received his personal belongings at the next central station, will be transported either by the organization’s bus, which will go to Sparta and will depart for Athens on Sunday after the award ceremony or can leave with their support team’s private vehicle for Athens, other areas in Greece or abroad.  The organization will provide the athlete’s with transportation that have discontinued the race and all their personal belongings (except those whose support teams have their belongings).


  1. Runners are allowed to bring musical equipment or other forms of electronic devices (cell phones etc) as long as they don’t bother other athletes and also that one of their ears does not use a headphone in order to assure their safety on the road during the Race. 


  1. Medical personnel and physical therapists will be available at the 5 central stations, at the finish line and at any station of intermediate medical staff which will have been called from the doctor in charge.


If the doctor in charge of the central stations, as well as the intermediate stations believes that the health of the athlete is at risk, the athlete will be forced to discontinue the Race and will be taken immediately to the regional hospital, health center or in more serious cases taken immediately to Athens for the appropriate treatment.  Therefore, all the necessary accommodations have been made for transportation, the EKAB will have been called as well as the regional hospital.


  1. Runners are not allowed to be accompanied by fellow athletes support team as any point during the Race.  If they are near the athlete there must be at least 100 meters distance between the athlete and the support team and they are not allowed under any circumstances to shout at or provide supplies or other help to the runner they are accompanying.  If at any point during the Race find that an athlete is being assisted in any way by his/her support team the supervisor and judge will report it at the next station filling out a special form disqualifying the athlete.


  1. It is forbidden for any athlete to be assisted by any forms of transportation.  Nor is any athlete allowed to deviate from the marked route.  If it is observed by any supervisor or judge that the athlete has gone off course for any reason the supervisor or judge will correct the runner’s course, on foot, to the point where they went off course and will then continue the Race.  If the athlete goes off course using any form of transportation the runner will be disqualified and will barred from participation in any future race because this is an offense against FAIR PLAY, EQUALITY and HONESTY.



The organizing committee believes that with the above guidelines we protect this year’s organization as well as future races, with the highest athletic and cultural standards, the same standards that Pheidippides stood for.


We believe that neither this year or at any time in the future will disciplinary measures have to be taken because the runners who are participating in the Pheidippides Race know why they are running this race…


The message will reach Sparta from honest people, loyal with the highest ideals.  We are certain that you feel the same and that you will participate in the years to come.  We are deeply thankful to all of you who are participating and sending the message of this Race in Greece to other countries around the world where our fellow sportsmen come from.  You have all made the message of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood possible through this Race.


And for all of you who are taking part in the first annual Race, you will understand in the following years how significant your participation was in sending the message of Freedom, Dignity and Honesty…


Thank you and see you at the finish line in Sparta.


The Organizing Committee of the Race



P.S.  Runners are to always run on the right side of the road (unless otherwise instructed by the organization or the police.  In some cases the left side of the road will be used to avoid traffic problems but the runner will be instructed by supervisors and judges using signs like cones, tape signs on the road etc.)