The event will take place on Saturday, 28th July and Sunday, 29th July, 2018.
The starting point is at Thespies, Boeotia, at the Demophilus Memorial at 20:00 (8pm) finishing at the Leonidas Memorial at Thermopylae at 12:00 on Sunday with a maximum time limit of 16 hours to complete the race.
Organized by “APOLLON” DYT. ATTIKIS under the auspices of EOSLMA-Y and with the active support of the municipalities of Aliartos-Thespieion, Livadia, Amfiklia-Elatia, Kammena Vourla, Lamieon.
A.P.S. “APOLLON” DYT. ATTIKI will organize This International Road Race that will start from the historical Thespies and will finish in the field of perpetual Patriotism and Faith in Freedom at Thermopylae, where at the end of July, 480 BC, the Greeks with Leonidas, the king of Sparta and commander-in-chief, the 300 elected Lacedaemonians (Spartans) who accompanied him, the 700 Thespians conducted by their leader Demophilus, together with the Thebans under Leontiadis, the Orkenean Arcadians, the Mantineans, the Mycenaeans, the other Arcadians, the Phlians from Nemea, the Corinthians, the Lokros, all together about 7,000 men, stood against the tens of thousands of Persians as well as against all the other subjects from the different nations of the Persian Empire.
Their brave Battle is engraved in the World History. They fell and died betrayed, but stood proudly illuminating with their sacrifice the Perpetual Faith and their Fight for Freedom.
It is for these heroes who remained for good at Thermopylae, eternal guards of ideals and virtues, that A.P.S. “APOLLON” DYT. ATTIKI will organize a road race for the second time on July 28th and 29th 2018 on their footsteps. From historical Thespies where Leonidas and the 300 Spartans along with the other Greeks met the Thespians and Demophilus.
The following list consists of the CONTROL DRINKS STATIONS, with their names, the kilometers from the beginning of the race and the opening and closing times of each station.
- Station 1: Askri (central Askri square) ISIODOS Km 7 Opening time 20:20, closing time 21:00.
- Station 2: Aliartos (Aliartos City Hall) PAUSANIAS Km 14,4 Opening time 20:45, closing time 22:10.
- Station 3: Petra (opposite Zacharias Company) DIMITRIOS PSILANTIS Km 18,3 Opening time 21:05, closing time 22:40.
- Station 4: Soulinari (Crossroads) DITHYRAMBOS O ARMATIDOU THE THESPIAN Km 24,3 Opening time 21:30, closing time 23:35.
- Station 5: Kalami (Monument to those fallen at the National Resistance, 11th June 1944. Km 29,4 Opening time 21:50, closing time 00:15.
- Station 6: Livadias-Orchomenos-Minyes Crossroads Km 35,4 Opening time 22:15, closing time 01:00
- Station 7: Thourion (In front of a church) PROTOKREONTAS THE THESPIAN Km 39,5 Opening time 22:30, closing time 01:40
- Station 8: Chaeronea (In front of the Lion of Chaeronea, archeological site) PHILIPP II OF MACEDON Km 43,3 Opening time 22.50, closing time 02.25.
- Station 9: Davlia & George Karaiskakis Crossroads Km 48,3 Opening time 23.10, closing time 03.15.
- Station 10: K. Tithorea & Atalanti Crossroads IRODOTOS Km 51,7 Opening time 23.30, closing time 03.45.
- Station 11: Agia Paraskevi, Fthiotida (square) KOSNTANTINOS KAVAFIS Km 57,8 Opening time 23.55, closing time 04.40.
- Station 12: Kato Tithorea (central square) ODYSSEAS ANDROUTSOS Km 61,4 Opening time 00.15, closing time 05.10.
- Station 13: Modi & Railways Crossroads KOMNAS TRAKAS Km 65,1 Opening time 00.30, closing time 05.45.
- Station 14: Modi (square) SIMONIDIS O KEIOS Km 69,4 Opening time 00.50, closing time 06.30.
- Station 15: Prophet Elias at Modi XENOKRATIDIS O THESPIAN Km 73,7 Opening time 01.20, closing time 07.15.
- Station 16: Kallidromos Crossroads KALLIPOS THE ATHENIAN & EURUTOS THE LACEDEAMONIAN Km 78,2 Opening time 01.35, closing time 07.55.
- Station 17: Kallidromos (square) PANNIS DYOVOUNIOTIS Km 81,1 Opening time 01.50, closing time 08.25.
- Station 18: Agios Ierousalim (Mendenitsa) MEPTIAS O AKARNAN Km 85,1 Opening time 02.15, closing time 09.10.
- Station 19: Mendenitsa (square) ATHANASIOS DIAKOS Km 88,0 Opening time 02.35, closing time 09.40.
- Station 20: Pefka (Mendenitsa) MARON THE SPARTAN Km 90,4 Opening time 02.50, closing time 10.05.
- Station 21: Anavra (square) ALFEOS THE SPARTAN Km 94,0 Opening time 03.10, closing time 10.45.
- Station 22: Agios Nikolaos & Anopaia Exit at the 100th kilometer DIINEKIS THE SPARTAN Km 100 Opening time 03.35, closing time 11.40.
- Station 23: Finish at the Monument of the 300 Spartans & The 700 Thespians Km 102 The first runner is expected to finish at about 03:45 and the closing time for the race is at 12:00
The station and kilometer average (including the start) is 102 km: 24 stations – 4,25 km/station (4,43 concerning the stations in between). Average Km /per hour 102:16=6,4 km/hr (for the time limit of the race).
The duration of the race has been set for 16 hours.
Every runner is OBLIGED to wear LED head torches during the night hours facing both directions backwards and forwards, as well as HV clothing (High Visibility) such as fluorescent green vest with retroreflective strips. No one will be allowed to take part in the race if the safety measures are not met to prevent any unwanted incident that might put their life at risk.
Every participant in the race will be awarded a valuable medal which will bear Demophilus’ Shield as a token of honor, a special certificate of completion of the race and a remembrance T-shirt with the Organization Slogan.
The symbolic fee for the participation in the race has been set at €40 per athlete which will include the transportation from Athens to Thespies (departure time at 16:00 from Davaki Square (Iroon Polytekniou Avenue at Egaleo) at about 200 meters away from the Agia Marina Metro Station, Line 2 from Syntanga to Egaleo. Food and drinks supplies at the stations. A quick meal at Thermopylae and transportation from Thermopylae to Athens.
There will also be a lorry which will take the athletes’ personal belongings who are not accompanied from the starting point at Thespies to Thermopylae where they will be able to collect them upon completing the race.
A kind request: Every athlete who is not accompanied will COMPULSORILY have to state it so in their application sheet by writing YES (if accompanied) or NO (if not accompanied).
Those who have an escort must get in touch with the organization by the 26th of July so as to register their car number licence plate which will be accompanying the athletes.
Important Reminder: The high ideological value and understanding of this Race will be carried out within the frame of FAIR PLAY and within the rules and regulations which are established by the International Association of Athletics Federation & the International Association of Untrarunners (IAAF-IAU).
Thus, food or drink supply by escort vehicles or other people in the distances between the 22 stations will not be permitted which might lead to the IMMEDIATE EXCLUSION PENALTY.
In addition, the participants are not allowed to be accompanied by other friends or runners who are not actual participants of this race. The PENALTY could be:
- (if repeated on the course of the race) IMMEDIATE EXCLUSION from both the race and the race results.
Once the participants have filled out their application forms for the race, these must be submitted no later than the 23rd of July while fees must be paid by 25th of July at the latest. Those who fail to abide by the latter will not be able to participate in our race.
ATTENTION This race is a criterion for the election of those wishing to participate in the 2019 SPARTATHLON since those athletes who cross the 100th kilometer, just before the finish line, in less than 10 hours for the men and 10 ½ hours for the women, will have this possibility.
This year’s event will also be a first organizational effort in which every friend is called to help VOLUNTARILY to do so. You can do this by calling Mr. Konstantinos Samios on either 210 5900685 or 697 6079500 or by sending your email at or by calling Stavros Tsimakidis on 6974 411515 or sending your email at As reward of your invaluable help, you will be presented with a T-shirt with the organization slogan and a honorable volunteer medal of our Race. Furthermore, you will be able to take part in the Dafni Race on the 7th of January 2018 FREE OF CHARGE.
We are expecting your participation in our Race in which there are not limitation conditions, except the successful completion of at least one Marathon Race in less than 5.30 hours within the last three years (from July 2015 to July 2018), or in whatsoever other race more than 42195m or on any other public road or trail race in Greece or abroad equal to a Marathon or more.
The €40 fee must be deposited in the A.P.S. “Apollon” Ditikis Attikis bank account:
ΕURΟΒΑΝΚ ΕRGASIAS (ΝΙΤ) 00260602830200575455
ΙΒΑΝ GR 8602606020000830200575 455
Email contact or
For the full coverage of the International Race along the historic route from Thespies to Thermopylae, the Organizational Committee makes the following requests from the Central Greece Administrative District:
- The creation and publicity of the event on the National TV channels of E.T. (ΕΤ1, ΕΤ2, ΕΤ3) and the local TV stations of the Central Greece Region, as it has been the case for other events such as Spartathlon, the Run the Lake event at Giannena, Run Greece by SEGAS, etc.
- The financial rental cost of two buses from Athens to Thespies. As well as, a bus from Thermopylae to Thespies. Also, a bus to collect the dropout runners and two buses from Thermopylae to Athens once the race is over on Sunday, July 29th. (These could be the same buses which departed from Athens prior to the race).
- The cost of the lorry which will transport the supplies to the drinks stations and will carry the athletes’ personal belongings and personal supplies to the stations in between.
- The financial coverage of the expenses concerning the medals, trophies (cups) and certificates.
- The coverage of sound systems and microphones at the Thermopylae Memorial to welcome the athletes as they cross the finish line.
- The financial cost of a meal for all the athletes, volunteers and members of the Organizational Committee at the local restaurants of the town of Thermopylae after the end of the race and award presentations.
- The publicity coverage cost of the banners at the starting point of the race as well as the whole route up to the finish point at Thermopylae. Also, 300 posters along the route and at selected points in the municipalities of Aliartos-Thespieion, Livadia, Amfiklia-Elatia, Kammena Vourla, Lamieon.
- The financial cost for the sponsoring of a (technical) T-shirt with the organization slogan for all the participants, the members of the Organizational Committee and the volunteers.
We are confident that the Central Greece Administrative District will embrace the rise of our history, through its warm support to our Race that comes to bring together Boeotia and Phthiotis, and two ancient cities – symbols of heroism and eternal faith towards the freedom of our homeland, with this Race that will bring more Greek and foreign athletes to our region each year.
2020 is the year that the Historic Battle of Thermopylae will turn 2,500 years, therefore we deem important that preparations must start in 2018 to bring at the forefront of our Race a higher number of Greek and foreign participants along with a greater number of spectators who will crowd our region in all the areas that our Race passes through (Thespies, Aliartos, Petra, Thourio, Chaeronea, Tothorea, Mendenitsa, Thermopylae, but also covering a vaster area: Thebes, Plataea, Livadia, Arahova, Delphi, Parnassus, Amfiklia, Ano Tithorea, Kammena Vourla, Agios Konstantinos, Lamia, Karpenisi-Evrytania, Kallidromo, Elikonas, Cithaeron, Oeta, Thermopylae Springs, etc.)
With this proposal which will upgrade The Hero Race, the Central Greece Administrative District with the collaboration of the Race Organizational Committee will put all this region in preparation for 2020 with parallel cultural events that will be held in order to enhance our historical heritage, the hospitable attitude of the people from towns and villages where the Race passes through will make each year this Race come true, not only for the Central Greece Region, but more generally for the whole of Greece.
We are confident of the acceptance of our requests and with our good cooperation at all levels of the Organizational Effort, we believe that we will remain united to achieve the highest possible result.
For the Organizational Committee,
The Mayor of Aliartos-Thespieion, Georgios Ntasiotis
The President of A.P.S. “Apollon” Dytikis Attikis, Konstantinos Samios.
Athlete's Application Form
Click on the button below to register for the race